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Nathan Kofi
Het Muzieklokaal

Quote from the artist(s):

My last set before leaving the country for an extend period of time. I would say this was absolutely one of my best dj memories of 2023, and one of my best sets ever. Simultaneously, it was also the most exhausting and mentally draining experience, closing Het Muzieklokaal during a weekender. But we closed it down with an electrifying collective energy. What a magic, emotion and electricity in the room.. Played 4,5 hours and did my best to take everyebody on a sonic journey transitioning from a steamy night into the morning sunrise - energy by night, vibes by morning. Even when I was getting a lil tired - after some hours in - It just took me a brief moment to see what was happening around me.. And seeing everybody “locked-in-groove” in a big circle around me, got me recharged instantly to keep that groove going. It was a special one.

Especially being surprised by my mother who showed up at 05:30 to join the closing ritual with us. Can you imagine.. People standing on speakers, club still packed, people giving there last, mommy on the side-line taking all the clout with her moves, smiling sweating exposed bodies ecstaticly moving in a collective manner. Just wow.

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  • Max 4 months ago

    I was behind the booth minding my buisness and eating a bannana i found. Suddently the person to the left of me tapped me on the shoulder and said: YOU ATE MY BANNANA. If this wasnt bad enough already he also said that he lost his phone so i said: here call it with my phone. only to find out it somehow got in my back pocket! boi what a night it was… the guy was ok with the phone incident as he clearly could see i was pretty wasted xd.